Saturday 28 November 2015


REAL NAME Tony Masters
OCCUPATION mercenary, professional criminal
HEIGHT 6 ft 2 inches
WEIGHT 90 k gs
BASE mobile
EYES brown
HAIR brown
FOES Avengers, Captain America

Tony Masters had a unique talent which is remembering physical moves from other people and also weapons. Tony Masters made a Shield based on Captain America's design but different and also a sword and then Tony Masters became a threat to the Avengers known as Taskmaster. Taskmaster also became a mercenary and a criminal mastermind. Taskmaster did not just become a threat to the Avengers he also became an enemy to Captain
 America and many other heroes.

Friday 27 November 2015


REAL NAME Nathaniel Richards
OCCUPATION conqueror
HEIGHT 6 ft 3 inches
WEIGHT 90 k gs
BASE mobile
EYES brown
HAIR brown
FOES Avengers

Nathaniel Richards in an alternative timeline in 3000 AD is a conqueror who goes by the name Kang. Kang carries a large alien laser gun and is a deadly threat to the Avengers. Kang is also a time traveler and likes to cause trouble for heroes in the past. Kang has tried to conquer Earth several times but the Avengers always stops him. Kang will never stop trying to conquer Earth and when he does he will conquer other planets.


REAL NAME Blackagar Boltagon
HEIGHT 6 ft 2 inches
WEIGHT 100 k gs
BASE Attilan
EYES blue
HAIR black
ALLIES Inhumans
FOES Avengers

Blackagar Boltagon was the son of Agon the ruler of the Inhumans and Blackagar was placed in a soundproof room until his parents made him a suit that gave Blackagar the power to fly and scream very loud. Blackagar then became the leader of a team called the Inhumans and is now better known as Black bolt. Black Bolt is an enemy of S.H.E.I.L.D and also to the Avengers
 but when he is with the Inhumans he is more


OCCUPATION villain, destroyer
HEIGHT 6 ft 2 inches
WEIGHT 150 k gs
BASE Asgard
EYES none
HAIR none

 Destroyer is a machine made by Odin the king of Asgard to fight against enemies and then Loki stole it and used it against him for revenge. The Destroyer is made from asgardian metal and can shoot fire from his head which makes the Destroyer very deadly. When the Destroyer is not fighting he stays inside a large case and when ordered to go fight he would wake up and fight his target that Loki wants dead.


REAL NAME Sebastion Gilberti
OCCUPATION villain, master of Sentinels
HEIGHT 6 ft 3 inches
WEIGHT 100 k gs
BASE mobile
EYES red
HAIR grey
ALLIES Sentinels

Sebastion Gilberti is the leader of the Sentinel mutant tracking program and is also a mixture of the Master Mold Sentinel and also a human. Sebastion Gilberti is known as Bastion and
is a deadly threat to the Xmen. Bastion can
control the Sentinals and order them to do
what he wants which makes him and his
army of mutant tracking machines dangerous.
 Bastion is a deadly threat to the Xmen and
 will keep ordering his Sentinels to kill them
until they have done their mission.

Batroc the leaper

Georges Batroc AKA Batroc the leaper considers himself as the world's best mercenary and can leap very high in the air. When Batroc first became an enemy of S.H.E.I.D and Captain America he was the head of an organisation on a delivery ship and faced Captain America and now is a deadly enemy to Captain America. Batroc is very deadly and wants to be the greatest mercenary in the world.

REAL NAME Georges Batroc
OCCUPATION mercenary, villain
WEIGHT 90 k gs
BASE mobile
EYES brown
HAIR black
FOES Captain America

Thursday 1 October 2015


REAL NAME Raven Darkholme
HEIGHT5 ft 10 inches
WEIGHT 85 k gs
BASE mobile
EYES yellow
HAIR dark red
ALLIES Brotherhood of Evil Mutants
FOES Xmen, Wolverine

Raven Darkholme was born with the ability to shape shift but she was born with blue skin as
well. Raven ran away and he then became a
thief. One day Raven broke into Charles
Xavier's mansion and tried to steal food
from their kitchen and Charles Xiaver was
woke up and then the boy went to the kitchen
 and he saw Raven and then she revealed herself
and then She and Charles became friends. When they
were older she joined Charles Xavier's team the Xmen
 which is a team of mutants like Raven. Charles was a
 mutant as well but he was a telepath. When Raven met
 Erik Lehnsherr AKA Magento she was convinced in
joining his team after defeating Sebastion Shaw
 and she became a criminal and a member of
Magento's group. Raven Darkholme was the
villain and threat to the Xmen known as Mystique  


PROGRAMMED TO kill mutants
HEIGHT 20 ft
WEIGHT 2000 k gs
BASE mobile
EYES depending on what sort they are made
ALLIES Bastion
FOES Xmen, other mutants

Dr Bolivar Trask the director of Trask industries made a Mutant hunting programme called Sentinels. The Sentinels were made in 1973 and when Mystique tried to kill "Trask" she got caught and was experimented on by scientists and then 40 years later the Sentinels were made with brand new updates making them invincable. The Sentinel androids are giant and they are programmed to hunt and kill Mutants but when they were made they killed Bolivar Trask and then Bastion became the supreme leader of the Sentinels.

Wednesday 30 September 2015


OCCUPATION consumer of planets, villain
HEIGHT 26 ft 9 inches
WEIGHT 1000 k gs
BASE mobile
EYES white
HAIR unknown
FOES Fantastic Four, Silver Surfer

Galactus is a conqueror and consumer of planets but the Fantastic Four is always there to stop him. Galactus is giant and is the most powerful villain in the universe. Silver Surfer used to be a slave to Galactus but managed to escape him and be a hero. Galactus has tried to eat earth several times in the past few years but he always gets defeated and would get angry. Galactus is Silver Surfer's biggest threats and will eat every planet until there is no more


REAL NAME Brock Rumlow
OCCUPATION mercenary, Hydra military commander
HEIGHT 6 ft 4 inches
WEIGHT 100 k gs
BASE Hydra Headquarters
EYES brown
HAIR brown
FOES Captain America

Brock Rumlow as a child had a goal of becoming a member of Hydra and when he was older he was accepted into Hydra and was trained to be a special ops lieutenant in Hydra and he also became a mercenary known as Crossbones. Crossbones wears a black mask with a skull printed on and he wears a black military vest equiped with military gadgets and weapons. Crossbones became a threat to Captain America and is proud to be a member of Hydra.

Baron Zemo

REAL NAME Helmut Zemo
OCCUPATION terrorist
HEIGHT 5 ft 11 inches
WEIGHT 90 k gs
BASE Hydra headquarters
EYES blue
HAIR blond
FOES Captain America

Baron Heinrich Zemo as a Hydra scientist during
 World War 2 and he invented a glue that could
not desolve and Captain America broke the glass
 of glue and then it went onto Heinrich's face and
 his mask was stuck to his face forever. After the
war Heinrich's son Helmut Zemo became the new
 baron of the Zemo family and is a enemy to
Captain America known as Baron Zemo.

The Yellow Jacket

REAL NAME Daren Cross
HEIGHT 6 ft 2 inches
WEIGHT 90 k gs
BASE New York City
EYES brown
HAIR bald
FOES Ant Man

Hank Pym was a mentor to Daren Cross and when Hank went away to do some work in another place Daren was left in charge and he thought that he was not going to come back so he decided to try and changed Pym technology top Cross technology and when Hank Pym came back he saw Daren's idea and when Scott Lang stole the Ant Man suit Hank made him a hero and also when Daren saw the Ant Man suit beofre Scott became Ant Man he decided to make a suit based on the Ant Man outfit and it was called the Yellow Jacket. When Hank discovered that Daren was going to use that suit to kill him Daren took the suit and he put it on and became threat to Ant Man known as the Yellow Jacket


REAL NAME Emin Blonsky
HEIGHT 6 ft 8 inches
WEIGHT 200 k gs
BASE mobile
EYES green
HAIR none
FOES The Hulk

Emil Blonsky was a captain in the army until he
 was injected with Gamma serum which created
 the Hulk and he became a monster and threat to
 the Hulk known as Abomination. Abomination
does not turn back to human at all and he is
 keeped in a special cell at S.H.I.E.L.D and
he sometimes manages to escape. Abomination
 is very deadly and wants the Hulk dead real bad.

Ronan The Accuser

OCCUPATION accuser, conqueror
HEIGHT 7 ft 5 inches
WEIGHT 150 k gs
BASE mobile
EYES red
HAIR none
FOES Guardians Of The Galaxy

Ronan The Accuser is a warrior who became one
of Thanos's military commanders and he was sent
 to find a Infinity Gem that was stolen by Starlord
 and he failed to get the gem making Thanos angry.
 Ronan The Accuser carries a a giant hammer twice
 the size of Thor's hammer. Ronan The Accuser has
 an army and a giant war ship. Ronan is very powerful
 and is a big threat to the Guardians Of The Galaxy.


OCCUPATION conqueror, villain
HEIGHT 6 ft 7 inches
WEIGHT 200 k gs
BASE Sanctuary
EYES red
HAIR none
ALLIES Ronan The Accuser
FOES The Avengers, Guardians Of The Galaxy

Thanos is a conquer from Sanctuary 3 which is a asteroid base and he is craving for the Infinity Stones which are a very powerful elements in the galaxy and there are six of the Infinity Stones to collect and they are the most dangerous elements in the galaxy as well! Thanos wears a golden glove over his hands that has six holes that are the shapes of the Infinity Stones which means if he gets one of them he gets stronger and once he has got all six he can conquer ever planet in the galaxy. The Avengers have a mision to defeat this villain but if he has all the stones he will be unstopable

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Green Goblin

REAL NAME Norman Osborn
OCCUPATION director of Oscorp, villain
HEIGHT 5 ft 11 inches
WEIGHT 90 k gs
BASE New York City
EYES blue
HAIR brown
ALLIES Sinister twelve
FOES Spider man

Norman Osborn is the founder and director of Oscorp tower and is Peter Parker's best friend's father! Norman Osborn made a formula that could improve his stamina and strength and he tested the serum on himself and the serum did more than it was surposed to do it made him go rogue and it forced his mind to make him be evil and then Norman made a goblin costume and a glider. Norman Osborn becmae a threat to
Spider man known as Green Goblin


. Red Skull
. Madame Viper
. Baron Von Strucker
. Crossbones
. Baron Zemo
. Iron Cross
. Arnim Zola
. Sin
. The Winter Soldier
. Madame Hydra

Hydra was started in World War 2 and was formed by the Red Skull and is still in buisness now Hydra is a nazi german agency and has been around for 70 years! Hydra is a powerful neo nazi force in america and have plans to take over S.H.I.E.L.D. Hydra is also a threat to Captain America and they have been enemies to each other since World War 2.

Monday 28 September 2015


REAL NAME Mac Gargan
OCCUPATION mercenary
HEIGHT 6 ft 2 inches
WEIGHT 90 k gs
BASE New York City
EYES brown
HAIR brown
ALLIES Sinister twelve
FOES Spider man

Agent Farley Stillwell invented a scorpion armour for the military and J. Jonah Jameson discovered the military project that S.H.I.E.L.D made and then a guy named Mac Gargan found out as well and he was going to test for S.H.I.E.L.D before giving it to the military and then Mac tried the armour on and he saw a large mechanical scorpion tail. Mac stole the armour and he used it to cause crime and he then became
 a threat to Spider man known as Scorpion.

Madame Viper

REAL NAME Ophelia Sarkissian
OCCUPATION mercenary, neo nazi
HEIGHT 5 ft 9 inches
WEIGHT unknown
EYES green
HAIR dark green
FOES Captain America

During World War 2 Madame Hydra killed herself to prevent the americans from catching her and then 70 years ;later a neo nazi named Ophelia Sarkissian took Madame Hydra's place and she went by the name Madame Viper. Madame Viper wore a similar outfit to Madame Hydra but a bit different. Madame Viper had a temper and is a skilled mercenary and terrorist.
 Madame Viper is very deadly and will do
 anything to support Hydra.

Baron Von Strucker

REAL NAME Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker
OCCUPATION Hydra military commander
HEIGHT 6 ft 2 inches
WEIGHT 90 k gs
BASE Hydra Headquarters
EYES blue
HAIR bald
FOES Captain America

Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker was a member of Hydra in World War 2 and after the war Baron Von Strucker went to a japanese military facility and he was put to sleep for years and he then woke up 70 yers later and he then was back to being enemies with Captain America once again. While the Red Skull was in the cosmic cube Baron Von Strucker was incharge of Hydra until Red Skull returned Baron Von Strucker was back to being a military commander.


HEIGHT 6 ft 2 inches
WEIGHT 100 k gs
BASE New York City
EYES white
HAIR none
ALLIES Sinister twelve
FOES Spider man

Venom is a symbiote that was a project in Oscorp that should not be touched or used becuase i can take over people's minds. the Symbiote escaped and it  bonded to Spideman for a short time and then Spider man got it off of him and then the Symbiote bonded to Eddie Brock and then Eddie Brock was threat to Spider man
known as Venom and after two tears the symbiote
left Eddie and then Venom was solo
 and he was even deadlier than before

Doctor Octopus

REAL NAME Otto Octavius
HEIGHT 5 ft 9 inches
WEIGHT 100 k gs
BASE New York City
EYES brown
HAIR brown
ALLIES Sinister Six
FOES Spider man

Otto Octavius was a scientist a Oscorp tower
 who made a set of four long mechanical arms
 and the arms were surposed to help him out with
 work but instead it took over Otto's mind forcing
 him to choose a life of crime and then Otto
Octavius went rogue and he became a threat to
 Spider man known as Doctor Octopus. Dr Octopus's
arms are long and can grab people and lift them but
 sometimes Dr Octopus's mechanical arms could get
 trapped in a power cable frying the Mechanical Arm's
power cable.

Arnim Zola

REAL NAME Arnim Zola
HEIGHT  ft 10 inches
WEIGHT 120 k gs
BASE Hydra headquarters
EYES brown (as the robot) green
HAIR none
FOES Captain America

Arnim Zola was one of Hydra's top scientist's that could make advanced weapons and machines and after World War 2 Arnim Zola escaped his cell and went back to the Hydra HQ and made a mechanical robot and he then translated
 his mind and he then became a robot! Arnim Zola
 is now more deadlier than he was back
in World War 2. Arnim Zola's robotic head
can shoot lasers and the thing is that his head is
under the head on a screen.

The Lizard

REAL NAME Curt Connors
OCCUPATION scientist
HEIGHT 5 ft 11 inches
WEIGHT 90 k gs
BASE New York City
EYES (as the lizard) yellow (as human) blue
HAIR (as human) brown (as the lizard) none
ALLIES Peter Parker (as the lizard) none
FOES Spider man (as human) none

Dr Curt Connors was a surgeon in the army who lost his arm when there was a bomb inside the bunker and then Curt quit the army and he then got a job at Oscorp and he started to research on lizards and how they can grow back a missing limb. Curt then met Richard Parker and they worked together and when Richard Parker had to leave Curt was cross and he just continued working on the cure to regrow his missing arm and then he used a lizard formula to regrow his arm and instead it turned Curt into a giant lizard! Spiderman did everything he could to stop Curt from using the lizard formula and releasing it all  over New York. Spiderman did stop Curt but sometimes curt still uses the formula when he is angry and he thinks he can control it but he cant and he became a threat to Spiderman known as The Lizard but when as Dr Curt Connors he is a friend of Spiderman and Peter Parker.


REAL NAME Wilson Fisk
OCCUPATION professional criminal
HEIGHT 6 ft 7 inches
WEIGHT 200 k gs
BASE New York City
EYES  blue
HAIR bald
FOES Spider man, Daredevil

Wilson Fisk was bullied of his appearance when he was a kid and one day he made himself bigger and stronger and then he punched the bullies down on the ground and then when Wilson Fisk was older he opened up Fisk inderstries and made
a lot new technology and he then saw heroes flying
 around in New York he got angry and he started
sending out armed soldiers to kill them and then "Fisk"
 got real angry and then became a threat to Daredevil
 and Spiderman as the heavyweight criminal mastermind
 known as the Kingin.


REAL NAME Cain Marko
HEIGHT 6 ft 10 inches
WEIGHT 200 k gs
BASE New York City
EYES blue
HAIR red
ALLIES Brotherhood of evil mutants

Cain Marko was born with mutant powers that made big and strong everyday and then he became a big deadly mutant in the Brotherhood of evil mutnats as the villain known as Juggernaut. Juggernuat is another deadly threat to the Xmen and is hated by the other people that are not mutants. Juggernaut wears a red steel armour and no matter what comes at him like a rocket, a car or anything can not slow him down or stop him!