Red Skull

REAL NAME Johann Schmidt
OCCUPATION leader of Hydra, villain
HEIGHT 6 ft 1 inch
WEIGHT 100 k gs
BASE Hydra headquarters
FOES Captai America

Johann Schmidt was the leader of the Hydra Nazi organisation in World War 2. Johann Schmidt had a scientist working for him and the scientist was forced to make a super soldier serum but he escaped Schmidt and joined the united states army facility. Johann Schmidt tested the serum on himself though it was not ready and then the serum turned his body red and his face started to look like a skull and he still lead the Hydra army and organisation and he then went by the name Red Skull. Red Skull
was one of Captain America's deadliest threats
 in World War 2 and Red Skull was trapped
in the cosmic cube until some one accidentally
 let Red Skull free from the cube and was back
to being Captain America's enemy once again.

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